We can use the link that was generated by bitbucket in the previous step for this. The second textbox is the path to your local folder where you would like to create the workspace. The thrid textbox is the name of the repository. The first text box needs the link to our repo. In the new tab we can select the clone option on the top options bar. To start with the cloning process, lets open SourceTree and create a new tab. You would typically work on your copy of the file from the repo and then send it to the server. The process of cloning the repo will create a copy of the hosted folders and files in the repo on your local machine. Make a note of the https link, we will need this in the next step when we clone the repository. For the purpose of this tutorial we will only get into the https link method. You will get two type of links to the repo – a SSH link and a HTTPS link. Here the important piece of information is the link to the repository.

Once the repository has been successfully created, you should see the following page: Once you have entered all the details click on the Create Repository button. This is where you enter a name for the repository and can choose to make the repository private or public. Start by clicking the + icon on the left panel of the website and select the repository option. Once you have created an account with bitbucket, you can start creating the repository. You can create a free account with atlassian which will give you access to bitbucket. In our case we will be using bitbucket cloud for hosting the git repository. For those who might be completely new to source control, a repository is the project that is stored on the server. The first thing that we will need to do is set up the repository on bitbucket. The principles of the tutorial can be applied to any version control. It is not absolutely neccessay to use bitbucket / sourcetree to follow this tutorial for the most part. I have used bitbucket for several years now and have always loved it since it gives the option of creating private repositories with a free account. In this post I will outline the process of creating a GIT repository on Bitbucket service and SourceTree for the GUI.