Apple mac operating system history
Apple mac operating system history

This was an entire architecture for making scriptable applications. A list of running applications, formerly at the bottom of the Apple menu under MultiFinder, was moved to its own menu on the right, along with Hide and Unhide functionality. The desk accessory technology was deprecated, with System 7 treating them largely the same as other applications. Desk Accessories had originally been intended to provide a form of multitasking and were no longer necessary now that multitasking was always enabled.

  • The Apple menu (previously home only to Desk Accessories pulled from DRVR resources in the System file) now listed the contents of a folder, including aliases.
  • This was added to help the user navigate the increasingly larger disks that were starting to appear.
  • Aliases: small files that "pointed to" other files on the system.
  • The line between extensions and control panels was blurred, extensions basically being GUI-less control panels.
  • In a similar fashion, system " extensions" were also improved by placing them in their own folder (rather than the System folder's root), and holding down the Shift key during boot-up would disable them.
  • apple mac operating system history

  • The Control Panel became the Control Panel s - they became individual "windows of options" accessible from the Control Panels folder in the Finder, instead of being accessible using the previous Control Panel Desk Accessory in earlier system versions.
  • Along with various user interface improvements for AppleTalk setup, System 7 also included a basic file sharing server allowing any machine to publish folders to the AppleTalk network. This allowed items to be put in the trash on different volumes, each one having its own Trash.

    apple mac operating system history

    The Trash was now a real folder instead of the special status it previously had.Because more than one application could run at a time, Desk Accessories were deprecated, System 7 treating them no different from other applications. Previously this function was available through the MultiFinder in System 6, or not available at all.

    Apple mac operating system history